Developer Alert: Deprecation of Basic Mode and the Old Embed Auth Method

As part of our effort to streamline and simplify our Gruveo for Developers offering, we will be retiring the Basic Mode for Gruveo Embed API on November 22, 2018. Starting on that date, you will need to supply a valid client ID when initializing the embed, as well as implement token signing for the embed to work. You can apply for a client ID on our API Pricing and Signup page.

On that same date, we will also be retiring the old Embed API authorization method that uses the generated and signature embed parameters. This method was replaced with token signing more than a year ago. If you are still using the old authorization method with the Embed API, please make sure to switch to token signing as described here.

If you are using the Embed API with a client ID and the token authorization method, you don't need to do anything.

Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions about the upcoming changes.