Category Archives for Gruveo for Business

Why You Should Include Your Gruveo Handle in Advertisements​

Last but not least, in this final article on how to use your Gruveo handle for your business, let's have a look at how you can benefit from including your handle in advertisements. And yes, any kind of printed or digital ad can present your handle and help grow your business.

Gruveo handle in ads - real estate magazine ad

A Gruveo handle in a real estate magazine ad.

Firstly, you can include your Gruveo handle in your printed ads in magazines, in leaflets (even though these are quite rapidly becoming outdated), on billboards, etc. Anywhere you would use your email or phone number, your Gruveo handle or—even better—your Gruveo call link can be used instead.

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Your Gruveo Handle on Other Websites​

It’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to be listed on review websites and various other portals. These, usually large, websites are where people go when they're looking for advice for a particular problem, a comparison of two or more competing products or services, or reviews of whatever they're planning to buy.

There are countless websites of this kind, and they cover pretty much every area of life and various types of goods. We're talking about TripAdvisor for hotels, Capterra and G2 Crowd for software, LegalMatch for attorneys, Zocdoc for doctors, etc. You get the idea.

Gruveo handle on other websites - G2 Crowd profile with Gruveo handleG2 Crowd profile with Gruveo handle

A section of a G2 Crowd profile with a Gruveo call link.

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Your Gruveo Handle on Social Media

In this article, we'll talk about where and how you can publish your Gruveo handle on your social media. Social media platforms are huge and you know it. Pretty much everybody is using at least one so why not take advantage of this!

The first option is to include your @handle or, even better, your Gruveo call link in the description of your business on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. These are the more traditional social media platforms, but no matter what you use, you can put your handle/call link into the About section.

Gruveo for Business - your handle on your social media - Facebook About section

Your Gruveo call link in your About section on Facebook.

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Put Your Gruveo Handle on Your Business Card

This article continues where the previous one left off. Another place your Gruveo handle should be presented is on your business card—for all the same reasons laid out in the last article about including your Gruveo handle in your email signature.

Gruveo handle on your business card - video appointments conferencing

A Gruveo handle on a business card.

We'd like to add one crucial psychological point that many professionals don't think about.

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Why Put Your Gruveo Handle in Your Email Signature

After adding your Gruveo handle on your website, we recommend next including it in your email signature. This might seem like the obvious choice to you, and maybe you already have it there. If you do, thumbs up from us 🙂

But many business professionals still think about their email signature as a place for "traditional" contact information. If this sounds like you, you probably keep your Gruveo handle as a secret "weapon" for cases when call recording or screen sharing is needed. And for all your other "normal" calls, you'll use your phone number.

Gruveo for Business series - your Gruveo handle in email signature

An email signature with a Gruveo handle linkified with a Gruveo call link that will start a call when clicked on.

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