Direct Codes - What Do You Need to Know?

Question Mark
Direct Gruveo codes are going live in just three days from now on Monday, June 27th. We have been receiving lots of questions about the direct codes and we decided to compile the answers into a single blog post. Here goes:

How will I be able to register a direct code?

On Monday, the Gruveo website will be updated to allow for user registration. Simply click the "Sign Up" button and follow the instructions. You will need a valid email address to register a direct code on Gruveo.

How many direct codes can I have?

You can register more than one direct code but you will need a separate email address for each. Also, you can currently be logged in under only one code in a given browser or device.

Will regular Gruveo codes still work?

Yes. You can choose to completely ignore the new direct codes functionality and continue using Gruveo as before. 

What is the impact of direct codes on my privacy?

There are no changes if you continue to only use regular codes to connect on Gruveo. As far as the direct codes go, your country (or state and country if you are in the US) will be shown to the callee whenever you make a call to a direct code. Your approximate location is determined from your public IP address, which is available to any website you visit including Gruveo.

Finally, registering a direct code on Gruveo requires that you share your email address with us. Your email is never revealed to other users or shared with any third parties.

If I register a direct code, will it be shown to the other party when I make a Gruveo call?

No. Your direct code is never shown to the other party whether you connect using a regular Gruveo code or make an outgoing call to another direct code.

Will direct codes work on all devices?

We will release updated versions of the Gruveo apps for Android and iOS on the launch day. You will be able to make outgoing calls to direct codes across all three platforms (desktop, Android, iOS) and receive calls on desktop, iOS as well as through a browser on Android. We are working hard on bringing incoming calls to the Android app as soon as possible.

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any other questions. The direct codes are just round the corner!