Gruveo Instant Connect Comes to Firefox

Our popular Gruveo Instant Connect extension is now available for Firefox! Just like its Chrome counterpart released last summer, Gruveo Instant Connect for Firefox lets you generate a random call link with a click of a button and then easily share it with a friend.

Gruveo Instant Connect for Firefox

Easily generate Gruveo call links, now in Firefox.

In addition to quickly generating a call link, you can also create a calendar event for your call, or insert a Gruveo link into any text box with an easy to remember Alt+Shift+G keyboard combo (Option+Shift+G on a Mac).

Install Gruveo Instant Connect and enjoy even quicker Gruveo calls today:

[button_1 text="Get%20Gruveo%20Instant%20Connect" text_size="20" text_color="#ffffff" text_bold="N" text_letter_spacing="0" subtext_panel="N" text_shadow_panel="Y" text_shadow_vertical="1" text_shadow_horizontal="0" text_shadow_color="#000000" text_shadow_blur="0" styling_width="25" styling_height="15" styling_border_color="#dd7103" styling_border_size="1" styling_border_radius="15" styling_border_opacity="100" styling_shine="Y" styling_gradient_start_color="#ffbe6b" styling_gradient_end_color="#dd7103" drop_shadow_panel="Y" drop_shadow_vertical="1" drop_shadow_horizontal="0" drop_shadow_blur="1" drop_shadow_spread="0" drop_shadow_color="#000000" drop_shadow_opacity="50" inset_shadow_panel="Y" inset_shadow_vertical="0" inset_shadow_horizontal="0" inset_shadow_blur="0" inset_shadow_spread="1" inset_shadow_color="#fece94" inset_shadow_opacity="50" align="center" href=""/]