Smoother Video Chats, Better Coaching: A Case Study with Entropy Organized

  • Coaching
  • Consulting

​Katie Matusky

Entropy Organized is a life coaching and organization business that helps its clients cut through the to-do list clutter and live a life that they love. We sat down for a conversation with Katie Matusky, Entropy Organized’s founder, to learn how she uses Gruveo in her work.

Can you tell us about your business?

My business is Entropy Organized. We are a life coaching and organization business that teaches people how to get through their awful to-do list so that they can get to their want-to-do list. We teach people how to live a life that they love with the help of organization systems.

What kind of interactions do you use video conferencing for?

We use it for our coaching program so that we can work with clients in a one-click scenario, where they can just click and be in a meeting with us immediately. We also use it for meetings with other businesses, to try to see if we can get good collaborations going, and to meet with other business partners.

"I can't count the number of times that Hangouts would crash or an intern couldn't join the chat. It was the same issue with Skype where it wasn't reliable."

There are mainstream apps for video conferencing like Hangouts, Skype, or FaceTime. What prompted you to look for an alternative?

Well, we used to use some of those. I used to use Hangouts with interns and I can't count the number of times that Hangouts would crash or an intern couldn't join the chat. It was the same issue with Skype where it wasn't reliable. I have heard that Skype for Business is more reliable, but for working with clients specifically, it's just easier if no one has to log in. Gruveo has shown that it’s extremely reliable. We don't have issues with running meetings on Gruveo.

​Entropy Organized helps its clients live a life that they love with the help of organization systems.

Have you considered any other options?

We did consider one alternative that is also one-click and that doesn’t involve logging in. I think that Gruveo just looks better. It looks cleaner, sharper and that's important to us. We want to put together a good look for our clients so that everything looks professional and organized, and that other service is just clunky.

How did you come across Gruveo?

I found Gruveo through, which I use to book my clients. Gruveo has an integration that allows us to automatically generate meeting links for clients. In one click they have booked the meeting and they already have the link to the room where we're going to have the meeting. There is no back-and-forth. That cuts back a lot of time and also just makes everything easier for everyone.

Did you have any doubts about Gruveo at first?

I'm often an early adapter so I don't ever have doubts! I just always have to try and see. You have to just get in there, use it and see if it's going to work for you. I never really had any doubts. I just was going from the position of, “Well, let's give this a try,” and instantly I fell in love with it. It was actually much easier to set up and use than I ever could have imagined.

"The stability and reliability that Gruveo gives my business is big. It makes me look good as a business owner when I'm dealing with clients if everything that I'm using just works."

How long have you been using Gruveo?

I've been using Gruveo for about six months now, I think.

How have the ease of use and stability been over this time?

It's been consistently easy to use. I've never had a client confused, which is huge because with technology, you can't assume anything. People get confused on really small, simple things. As business owners, we're into technology but my clients are not necessarily so. I've never had a client that couldn't figure out just clicking and getting in on Gruveo, and that's great. There's no confusion for them. I think that over the long haul, we really haven't had any issues with meeting rooms not working or not being able to connect through this platform. That stability and reliability that Gruveo gives my business is big. It makes me look good as a business owner when I'm dealing with clients if everything that I'm using just works.

Speaking of clients, what do they say?

The feedback I’m getting from clients is mostly, "Oh, that was really easy", and, "Yes, I totally understand what I need to do." That's great. I think what's interesting for me as a business owner is that the platform is so easy for them to use that they really don't even notice that they're using new software. That's huge because I don’t have this feeling of being unsure of how they're going to navigate. It's very intuitive.

"​​​​Gruveo giving me the ability to record, in addition to the branding and the ease of use for clients, really takes it to the next level for me."

Is there a feature that you find particularly useful in Gruveo?

Recordings. As a life coach, I have to record my sessions. It's for my protection as well as for my clients to be able to go back and reference it if they want to rehear part of our conversation. Gruveo giving me the ability to record, in addition to the branding and the ease of use for clients, really takes it to the next level for me.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you recommend Gruveo to other business in your industry?

10, a hundred times 10. I love Gruveo, I love how easy it is to use and I will never, ever, ever leave it!

Read more case studies here.

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