A permanent Gruveo link lets you receive incoming calls from customers and answer them with voice or video. For you to be notified when someone is trying to reach you on Gruveo, it is important that you allow Gruveo to display incoming call notifications on your device. This article explains how to do that.
Browser Notifications
Most modern browsers are capable of showing system notifications. Gruveo takes advantage of this to alert you of incoming calls on your permanent links even if you don’t have the Gruveo tab open. Browser notifications work in Chrome, Firefox and Safari on computers, as well as in Chrome and Firefox on Android devices.
Here is what an incoming call notification looks like in Firefox on macOS:

Incoming call notification via Firefox on a Mac.
The Gruveo website will ask you for a permission to enable notifications immediately after you sign up for your Gruveo account. If you declined the prompt or simply aren't sure if you have the notifications enabled, it's easy to check. Here's how:
- Log into your account on www.gruveo.com.
- On the page that opens, click "Notifications and Messages".
- See if the “Enable browser notifications” checkbox is checked.
- If it's not, check it and click “Save changes”. You will get a browser prompt asking you to enable notifications for www.gruveo.com.
- Once you confirm, you will receive a notification every time somebody is trying to reach you – even if you don’t have the Gruveo tab open!
Tip: Our Gruveo Instant Connect extension for Chrome works in the background and is capable of showing incoming call notifications even if Chrome itself isn't running. All you need to do is add the extension to Chrome and let it do its magic. Click here to install Gruveo Instant Connect now.
Gruveo for iOS
Our iOS app shows an incoming call screen on your iPhone or iPad every time someone is calling you on your Gruveo link. You don't need to keep the app open to receive calls. Here is what the incoming call screen looks like on an iPhone:

Incoming Gruveo call screen on an iPhone.
The iOS app asks for a permission to enable notifications on first launch, so chances are that you already have notifications enabled for Gruveo. If that’s not the case or you want to double-check, head on to the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad, tap "Notifications" and then "Gruveo". Make sure that "Allow Notifications" is enabled:
Gruveo for Android
Just like Gruveo for iOS, our Android app shows an incoming call screen when someone is calling you. This functionality is always enabled.
Trouble Getting Notified of Incoming Calls? Log Out and Log Back In
If you have trouble receiving incoming call notifications, try logging out from your Gruveo account on your device and then logging back in. In a lot of cases, this simple procedure is enough to fix any call notification issues.
With notifications enabled, you won’t miss that important call on your Gruveo link whether you use Gruveo on Android, iOS or computer. Make sure that call notifications are enabled and enjoy the conversation!