Your Gruveo Handle on Social Media

In this article, we'll talk about where and how you can publish your Gruveo handle on your social media. Social media platforms are huge and you know it. Pretty much everybody is using at least one so why not take advantage of this!

The first option is to include your @handle or, even better, your Gruveo call link in the description of your business on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. These are the more traditional social media platforms, but no matter what you use, you can put your handle/call link into the About section.

Gruveo for Business - your handle on your social media - Facebook About section

Your Gruveo call link in your About section on Facebook.


It’s handy to ​use your Gruveo handle in your posts when you want your followers to interact with you. We recommend using your Gruveo call link rather than just the handle so that people can click on it and start a Gruveo call without any complications—easily and instantly.

Gruveo for Business - your handle on your social media - FB event cover

A Gruveo handle on your Facebook event cover.

If you want to take things to the next level, you can use your Gruveo handle during your live social media sessions and for creating stories. As a progressive entrepreneur, you probably already use Facebook Live, Snapchat or Instagram stories. You can announce the time you'll be live on your feed in advance, and ask your followers to call you on your Gruveo handle if they want to be a part of your live session. Live Q&A sessions are a great example.

It's much easier for you to build a rapport when you talk to new leads, colleagues or fans face-to-face rather than voice-only.

You know what's next, right? It’s time for you to utilize your Gruveo handle on all your social media platforms.​

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If you like this article, you should also check out our previous piece about including your handle on your business card. Click here to read it now.​

Our next article is about using your Gruveo handle on websites other than your own.​

P.S. Don't keep these tips to yourself! Share them with your friends and colleagues. Buttons are at the top 😉